Flora & Fonts


...is for Yrsa

Yrsa supports some 45 languages in Latin.

The project design and production was done in-house by Anna Giedryś and David Březina. It is a deliberate experiment in remixing existing typefaces to produce a new one.

The Yrsa project is led by Rosetta Type, a type design foundry based in Europe.

Font available from Google Fonts.

...is for Yellow Bell

The Yellow Bell flower, also called Yellow Elder, Trumpet Bush or the Golden Trumpet, is a tropical shrub or vine.

The plant has rich green foliage and bright yellow blooms, overlapping petals that create a trumpet shape. Flowers come into bloom in groups of two or three.

Yellow Bells are a good choice for a desert butterfly garden. Many of the native and desert-adapted plants available at local nurseries attract butterflies.