Libre Caslon Text is optimized for web body text.
Libre Caslon is based on hand lettering artist Caslon interpretations typical of 1950s advertising, while the majority of other digital Caslons revivals are based on 18th Century specimens by William Caslon I and William Caslon II.
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Xeranthemum is known for their silvery foliage and colourful, daisy-like, papery flowers. They have alternate, undivided leaves and compact heads of small florets on long stalks.
Xeranthemum annuum is one of the most popular everlasting flowers. The blooms make wonderful cut flowers and dried flowers. They are often used in dry bouquets, flower arrangements, crafts and decorations.
The name “Xeranthemum” is derived from the Greek words “xeros” and “anthemon” (flower).
Xeranthemum is a symbol of cheerfulness, immortality, eternity and everlasting love.